2010 Gordon Research Conference on Tribology
“Challenges at the Buried Interface”


June 27-July 2, 2010

Colby College

Waterville, Maine


Chair: Mark Robbins, Johns Hopkins University, mr at pha.jhu.edu
:  Alfons Fischer, University Duisburg-Essen, alfons.fischer at uni-due.de

IF you have any questions, email us


Information about attending this Gordon Conference will be available in 2010 at this location and at  http://www.grc.org/. 


Grants from the National Science Foundation and Air Force Office of Scientific Research are gratefully acknowledged.
Thanks also to Springer and Wiley who have provided support for poster sessions

 Goals of Meeting


Tribology is the study of interacting surfaces in relative motion and encompasses the fields of friction, lubrication and wear.  It impacts nearly every aspect of our daily lives and is essential to technological applications with moving parts.  Tribology is by nature a highly interdisciplinary field.  Researchers address atomic interactions at sliding interfaces and earthquake dynamics on faults.  Applications include improving car engines, hip joints and cosmetics, shrinking devices to micro- and nanometer scales, and expanding the range of temperatures, speeds, and chemical environments where devices operate.  The Gordon Conference on Tribology has a long tradition of bringing together researchers with a wide range of backgrounds, techniques, and applications for lively discussions and exchange of new ideas on how to address the complex problems tribology presents.


Many of the great challenges in tribology require an improved understanding of the buried interface that transmits forces between sliding solids.   The chemistry and geometry of bearing surfaces and any lubricant between them play a critical role in friction and wear, but are difficult to access experimentally and evolve with time and sliding distance. The 2010 Gordon Research Conference will focus on new experiments, theories and computer simulations that further understanding of the buried interface.  One focus of the meeting will be new experimental observations of the buried interface and calculations of its geometry and dissipation mechanisms.  Other talks will address methods for controlling and optimizing interfacial properties and lubricants.   Studies of the mechanisms biological organisms use to control tribological processes at the buried interface and medical applications will be presented.  Invited speakers will represent the forefront of fundamental and applied research in a wide range of disciplines at universities, government laboratories and industrial laboratories.  Their presentations will be complemented by lively interactions through programmed discussion sessions, poster sessions and informal gatherings in the afternoons and evenings.  These forums will facilitate cross-fertilization between fields and exchange of new ideas in an open, collegial atmosphere.

All attendees are encouraged and invited to present a poster on their current research.  If time permits, we will repeat our “Light Speed” oral poster preview presentations.
 Note:  All talks include ~20-25 minutes for Discussion

If you would like to be added to the mailing list for future information on this conference or know someone else who would be interested, please contact the Conference Chair, Mark Robbins.

 For information on the SITE (pictures below) see:   Colby College

Johnson Pond, with the campus in the background.

Aerial view of the Colby campus.



Gordon Research Conference HOME PAGE


Information on Transportation to the Meeting




2:00 pm - 9:00 pm              Arrival and check-in  (Office Closed 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm)

6:00 pm                                  Dinner


7:30 pm - 7:40 pm                Welcome / Introductory Comments by GRC Site Staff



Discussion Leader: Matthias Scherge (Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials)


7:40 pm - 8:15 pm                Georges Debregeas (Ecole Normale Supérieure)

“Stress Fluctuations in Sliding of Textured Objects and the Sense of Touch ”


8:15 pm - 8:35 pm                Discussion


8:35 pm - 9:10 pm                Aiguo Wang (Stryker Orthopaedics)

“Opportunities and Challenges in Joint Replacement Tribology”


9:10 pm - 9:30 pm                Discussion




7:30 am - 8:30 am    Breakfast


9:00 am - 12:30pm               SHINING A LIGHT ON BURIED INTERFACES

Discussion Leader: Thomas Scharf (University of North Texas)


9:00 am - 9:35 am                Jay Fineberg (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

“Slipping and Sliding: Rules of the Road from Local to Global”


9:35 am - 10:00 am  Discussion


10:00 am                               Coffee Break


10:30 am - 11:05 am           Kathryn Wahl (Naval Research Laboratory)

“Probing Buried Interface Chemistry with Linear Spectroscopies


11:05 am - 11:30 am           Discussion


11:30 am - 12:05 pm           Ali Dhinojwala (The University of Akron)

“The Use of Nonlinear Optics to Probe Buried Interfaces”


12:05 pm - 12:30 pm           Discussion


12:30 pm                               Photo


12:45 pm                               Lunch


1:30 pm - 4:00 pm                Free Time


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm                Poster Session I


6:00 pm                                  Dinner


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm                JOINT TRIBOLOGY


Discussion Leader: Philippa Cann (Imperial College London)


7:30 pm - 8:05 pm                Anne Neville (University of Leeds)

Biotribocorrosion – Understanding Tribology, Corrosion and Their Interactions in Joint Replacements”


8:05 pm - 8:30 pm                Discussion


8:30 pm - 9:05 pm                Robert J. Wood (University of Southampton)

“Micro and nano-scale abrasion-corrosion of surfaces”


9:05 pm - 9:30 pm                Discussion


9:45pm                                   Poster Session I (cont.) and Discussion




7:30 am - 8:30 am                Breakfast



Discussion Leader: Ashlie Martini (Purdue University)


9:00 am - 9:35 am                Robert Carpick (University of Pennsylvania)

“From Atomic Membranes To Molecular Adsorbates: How Interfacial Atomic Structure
            Influences Nanotribology


9:35 am - 10:00 am  Discussion


10:00 am                               Coffee Break


10:30 am - 11:05 am           Roland Bennewitz (Leibniz Institute for New Materials)



11:05 am - 11:30 am           Discussion


11:30 am - 12:05 pm           Somuri Prasad (Sandia National Laboratory)

“The Influence of Crystallography and Nanostructures on Metallic Friction”


12:05 pm - 12:30 pm           Discussion


12:30 pm                               Lunch


1:30 pm - 4:00 pm                Free Time


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm                Poster Session II


6:00 pm                                  Dinner


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm                THIRD BODIES, LARGE AND SMALL

                                                Discussion Leader: Michael Urbakh (Tel Aviv University)


7:30 pm - 8:05 pm                Chris Marone (Pennsylvania State University)

“Friction in Fault Gouge”


8:05 pm - 8:30 pm                Discussion


8:30 pm - 9:05 pm                Mathieu Renouf (Université de Lyon)

“Advances in Third Body Modeling”


9:05 pm - 9:30 pm                Discussion


9:45pm                                   Poster Session II (cont.) and Discussion





7:30 am - 8:30 am                Breakfast



Discussion Leader: Irwin Singer (Naval Reseach Laboratory)


9:00 am - 9:35 am                Martin Dienwiebel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

“In-Situ Analysis of Lubricated Tribosystems


9:35 am - 10:00 am  Discussion


10:00 am                               Coffee Break


10:30 am - 11:05 am           Jean-Michel Martin (Ecole Centrale de Lyon)

“Tribochemistry With Selected Gases and Surfaces: Toward In-Situ Analysis”


11:05 am - 11:30 am           Discussion


11:30 am - 12:05 pm           Martin Müser (Universität des Saarlandes)

“Visualization of Wear Mechanisms with a New Gold Marker Technique”


12:05 pm - 12:30 pm           Discussion


12:30 pm                               Lunch


1:30 pm - 4:00 pm                Free Time


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm                Poster Session III


6:00 pm                                  Dinner


7:15 pm - 7:30 pm                Business Meeting I (Nominations for next Vice Chair)


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm                COATING STRATEGIES AND PROPERTIES

Discussion Leader: Judith Harrison (U. S. Naval Academy)


7:30 pm - 8:05 pm                Ali Erdimir (Argonne National Laboratory)

“Design of Novel Nanocomposite Coatings for Severe Tribological Applications”


8:05 pm - 8:30 pm                Discussion


8:30 pm - 9:05 pm                Izabela Szlufarska (University of Wisconsin)

“Toward Molecular-Level Understanding of the Relationships Between Microstructure and Wear”


9:05 pm - 9:30 pm                Discussion


9:45pm                                   Poster Session III (cont.) and Discussion





7:30 am - 8:30 am                Breakfast


8:30 am - 9:00 am                Business Meeting II (Election of the next Vice Chair; Fill out Conference Evaluation Forms; Discuss future Site & Scheduling preferences)



Discussion Leader: Staffan Jacobson (Uppsala University)


9:00 am - 9:35 am                Izhak Etsion (Technion)

“The Impact of Surface Texturing on Tribology”


9:35 am - 10:00 am  Discussion


10:00 am                               Coffee Break


10:30 am - 11:05 am           Nicholas Spencer (ETH Zurich)

“Making Surfaces Slippery with Polymer Monolayers


11:05 am - 11:30 am           Discussion


11:30 am - 12:05 pm           Susan Sinnott (University of Florida)

“Atomistic Insights into MoS2 Tribology”


12:05 pm - 12:30 pm           Discussion


12:30 pm                               Lunch


1:30 pm - 6:00 pm                Free Time


6:00 pm                                  Special Dinner


7:30 pm - 9:30 pm                SPACE TRIBOLOGY

                                                Discussion Leader: Alfons Fischer (University Duisburg-Essen)


7:30 pm - 8:15 pm                W. Gregory Sawyer (University of Florida)

“The Final Frontier”


8:15 pm - 8:40 pm                Discussion


8:40 pm - 9:00 pm                Mark Robbins and Alfons Fischer

“Forward into 2012”


9:00 pm - 9:30 pm                Discussion




7:30 am - 8:30 am                Breakfast


9:00 am                                  Departure

Prof. Mark O. Robbins (Chair)

Dept. Physics and Astronomy

Johns Hopkins University

3400 N. Charles St.

Baltimore, MD 21218


(410) 516-7204 VOICE

(410) 516-7239 FAX

mr at pha.jhu.edu



Prof. Alfons Fischer (Vice-Chair)

University Duisburg-Essen
Materials Science and Engeineering

Duisburg, 47057 Germany


+49-203-379-4372 VOICE

+49-203-379-4374 FAX

alfons.fischer at uni-due.de


Webpage maintained by Mark Robbins, mailto:[email protected]  Updated October 16, 2009.